Photos Reviews

Cold Comfort Farm

May 2006

by Stella Gibbons / Clare Girvan, directed by Alan Caig


Aunt Ada - Mary Jones

The Author - Rosemary Whitehurst

Flora - Jody Rawlings

Adam Lambsbreath - Mick Munns

Judith Starkadder - Maggie Butt

Mrs Beetle - Angela Wallwork

Seth Starkadder - Adam Courtier

Rennet Starkadder - Pippa Warin

Amos Starkadder - Gordon Halliday

Reuben Starkadder - Philip Jones

Elfine Starkadder - Kate Wannell

Meriam Beetle - Jacky Davies

Mr Mybug - Anthony Morris

Urk Starkadder - Nick Jones

Mrs Hawk-Monitor - Jacquie Howatson

Richard Hawk-Monitor - David Batty

Dr Adolf Mudel - Bob Drury

Earl Neck - Christopher Redwood

Quivering Brethren, Farm Hands, Party Guests - Clare Girvan, Cally Pettit, Victoria Jones, Rosie Munns, Jean Halliday, Ben Grimsey, Cass Thorne & Chris Williams

Musicians - Geoffrey Brace, Liz Hodges & Steve Preston

- Other parts played by members of the cast

Production Team:

Director - Alan Caig

Assistant Director - Margaret Butt

Stage Manager - Tina Sinclair

Set - Philip Keen

Costumes - Clare Girvan & Isla Morgan

Lighting - Ben Fricker & Jon Hole

Sound - Ron Murray

Props - Jean Halliday, Bridget Deasy & Angela Wallwork

Publicity - Margaret Butt, Angela Wallwork & Christopher Redwood

Posters - Philip Keen

Programme - Philip Jones

Front of House - Sharon Wannell & Margaret Butt

Music - Geoffrey Brace


From Estuary News:

....the audience was buzzing with enthusiasm...

This production by the Estuary Players at Matthews Hall in May was an excellent and well-balanced effort by everyone concerned. The original story by Stella Gibbons was given a very cleverly worked out face-lift by Clare Girvan who brought the play to life so well in her adaptation. The production directed by Alan Caig and assisted by Maggie Butt was very buoyant.

It flowed well and the audience was buzzing with enthusiasm on the evening I was there. The company was hot on detail with charmingly thought out costumes, good sound effects and lighting on a set incorporating the stage and the body of the hall with the audience in the round. The fine atmospheric music was well chosen and played in the right spirit by Geoffrey Brace, Liz Hodges and Steve Preston. It showed that a lot of work had been put in by the whole group including the stage management team led by Tina Sinclair. Being able to buy a glass of wine was an added bonus.

The acting was of a very high standard. There were several memorable cameo performances and Jody Rawlings played the demanding main part with clarity and confidence. Particular mention should be given to Gordon Halliday as Amos Starkadder, Maggie Butt as Judith Starkadder and Pippa Warrin as Rennet Starkadder. There was a charming performance by Kate Wannell as Elfin Starkadder. David Batty as her intended was superb.

It is by chance that I knew Stella Gibbons when we lived in Highgate Village in London. Although it was many years since she wrote Cold Comfort Farm, I feel she would have been pleased with this up-dated production. Her biography by her nephew, Reggie Olliver, is quite an eye-opener and is a good read about the life of this amazing woman.

- Reviewed by: Annabel Foulston


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